Monday 4 May 2015

My Instagram Photos...

As I was quietly racking my brains on what todays post was going to include I decided to upload a picture to Instagram. And I thought, ah this might be a half decent thing to post...

So here I am.
As I'm a avid user of the ol' Instagram, I thought I'd share with you how I like to edit my photos to ensure they are Instagram-worthy! 

1. I'll usually take the photo on my photo just on the camera, nothing snazzy. I'll have the filters on normal, I don't really like any of the filters that come with the camera app on the iPhone...
2. If I find the photo to zoomed in or its cutting things out when it becomes a square shape on the instagram app, I usually use InstaSize to put a cheeky little white boarder so it all fits on nicely and sometimes i might use one the filters on that app, but honesty is quite rare when I do... and ill just simply save it to my camera role and put it on the Instagram app

Filter from InstaSize; Lincoln

3. I don't really like the Instagram filters either, so I usually just adjust the settings
4. First I'll change the brightness. I like my feed to look quite pretty and bright (shocker I know...) so i tend to pull the brightness up quite a bit. But I make sure it doesn't look overly edited and pixelated. 
5. I'll then change the warmth, I prefer changing it to the colder side. I like it because it looks lighter and more day light almost...

6. This is something new to the Instagram app and thats the fade setting, i have really been loving it recently but again I only use it slightly otherwise I personally think it looks overally edited...
7. I'll do the same with both the Highlights and the Shadows. I'll just mess about with them until I get a brightness I like and matches my feed.

And then I'll just go ahead and hit upload!
Honestly I don't really know if everyone does it this way or if nobody does. You might find this post completely a waste of your time or you'll really enjoy it find out how other people do it, I know I find it quite interesting but everyones different..
(I'm not saying I have great Instagram or even a very interesting one, I just thought I'd share. I would love to know how other people did their so please feel free to leave a comment letting me know..)
If you want to check out my actual Instagram feed, you can see it here. Its connie_wynne

until next time

1 comment:

  1. Lovely! Have a nice friday sweetie!

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