Saturday 25 April 2015

This week 18-25.04.15

This week.
Just in case you were interested I thought I'd share what I've been up to;
  • Fitness; Ive started to go to Zumba, twice a week, Monday and Wednesday's. I actually really enjoy it. They are hour long sessions and  include a range to songs. I have also tried to go swimming more often too. I used to go swimming a lot when I was younger and have always loved it. I think these are great ways to exercise if you don't necessary like running to going to the gym. Ive just been trying to get fitter in general and am hoping to get into a routine with both so they become a regular thing.
  • I had my drama mock this week, I was so nervous for it, I was dreading it all week. But it went fine and hopefully it will go even better next Wednesday for the real exam. Its funny really because I've really been hating drama a lot this year, I pretty much dreaded it every week and longed for this month when it would all be over for good. But now its getting closer and we've been given feedback on our pieces it made me think about how much I enjoy preforming and I do think I will really miss both my class and our teacher, as I've become quite close to her in the last couple of months
  • I've booked in the get my hair done next Friday. IM SO EXCITED TO DO SOMETHING TO IT. Its getting so drab and dull so I'm looking forward to sorting it out. I want to go lighter, Ive already got blonde ombre at the moment, but its been a while since. This time I want to have blonde highlights put in, higher up. I can do a post about it later on if its wanted. I just hope I like it or I'll look like a div in my parents wedding photos (which is only 5 WEEKS away, today exactly) 
  • On the subject of the forthcoming wedding, I bought my shoes for the said shindig and I might even do a cheeky little post on them later on.
  • On Wednesday my dad went away so at home its just been be and my mum for a couple of days. So yesterday we decided to go to the cinema and for some dinner as I wasn't working. We went for pizza at Pizza Express. I went for the Margarita, some would say its boring (Katie) but I would just say it was a classic and its  my fave. After we hopped over the the cinema and watch The Duff. It wasn't mind blowing but it was a good, enjoyable and defiantly relatable film and would recommend to go see it. Although we are in a studio - for those of you who don't know its like a mini cinema room? is that the right way to describe it?? idk - and there was theses girls in front and behind us WHO WERE SO IRRITATING! Im not one who get annoyed easily but my patience was draining overtime they kicked my chair or shouted across the room...


Thats what I've been up to in the last couple of days
catch up soon

(cheeky fact - that photo was from about a month ago, you can find it, along with other quality posts, on my Instagram)

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